Diesel Generators for Africa Industrialisation

Industrialisation is the one significant common factor amongst countries on all continents all across the globe that already boast a successful market size.

Countries that have to industrialise face a greater challenge, with the inability to meet the efficiency of production methods in countries that are already industrialised. However, industrialisation can be a difficult process, high in both capital and human cost.

Africa Industrialisation Day

Africa Industrialisation Day takes place on the 20th November every year. The event is celebrated to raise awareness globally of the challenges the continent faces when it comes to successful industrialisation.

Many countries within Africa are currently facing those challenges of industrialisation. With the help of those in special economic zones, their transition into modern African economies can be much easier. In July 2016, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2016 to 2025 as the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa. Otherwise known as IDDA3, this will help both new and developing private sector businesses within the African Union to further attract investment.

ADE Power export and ship a wide variety of power generators to countries across Africa, supporting key growing businesses and their push for industrialisation. The different types of generators we supply include diesel generators, silent generators, open generators, standby generators, gensets, home generators and more. As such, we're taking a closer look at industrialisation, what it means for Africa, and how we can help businesses overcome challenges.

Africa Industrialisation Diesel Generator Africa Industrialisation Diesel Generator Africa Industrialisation Diesel Generator Africa Industrialisation Diesel Generator
A 1675 kVA Cummins Industrial Diesel Generator being loaded into a shipping container for delivery to Nigeria.

Africa Diesel Generator Requirements

The demand for energy is set to grow exponentially over the coming decades. In the past 25 years alone, more than 1 billion people gained new access to modern energy fuels. However, that still leaves between 1.6 and 2 billion people who live without it, which is just under a third of the planet's population. Year on year, modern energy continues to extend to 30 million new people.

Not only do the economies of developing African countries (such as Nigeria and Zimbabwe) demand industrialisation and increased availability of modern energy production, such as generators. The people living in these countries also demand it as well.

The Benefits of Industrialisation in Africa

Early attempts at industrialisation in Europe and Asia specifically were historic times for the sheer cost in human capital. However, with the aid from established firms such as ourselves, there are significantly fewer barriers for Africa. These countries are industrialising and implementing modern energy infrastructure at a much faster rate.

There are a wide range of ways that industrialisation will help Africa to develop. This applies both on the world stage and in terms of increasing the standards of living domestically for everyone. Here are a few to consider:

  • Industrialisation is widely recognised as one of the key factors in economic growth. Japan and China both signify the success of rapid industrialisation, with both countries now having amongst the largest economies, with Japan having the third largest in the world.
  • The rate of poverty can decrease rapidly with the rise of industrialisation, in part due to job creation. As countries develop a more efficient means of production, opportunities to produce grow and, thus, the labour force grows alongside it.
  • Industrialisation can help fight food crises in countries across the globe as well. One result of industrialisation is that farming equipment and machinery becomes more advanced and thus more efficient at producing food. Both the quality and quantity rises as machines greatly increase the rate of production.

Naturally, there are still challenges to industrialisation that have to be combatted. There is the much debated impact of modern energy production on the environment, for one. While overall standards of living rise across the board as a result of industrialisation, it can also lead to a greater income gap between the working class and the owner class. However, for the developing countries of Africa, the benefits are considered by many to outweigh those risks.

Africa Industrialisation

How ADE Power is Helping the Process of Industrialisation in Africa

By exporting and providing generators to developing countries across Africa, we have been able to and continue to address issues of reliable electricity and energy. Our generators can help build the infrastructure that is essential for industrialisation in the first place. After all, industrialisation makes use of electronic equipment and machinery, which wouldn't be possible without a reliable supply of electricity in the first place.

A few examples of projects we have undertaken in Africa include:

The Role Our Generators Can Play in Industrialisation

  • Our diesel generators can increase the availability of power across the board, either as a backup or as a means of supporting the growing energy infrastructure of the area. As such, generators can become a reliable source of lighting, refrigeration and heat, lending to greater sustainable developments and productivity.
  • Generators can fulfill a wide range of electricity-based needs, becoming micro power grids in areas that have yet to have a more developed power infrastructure. They can support IT and Data Centres, become prime power for manufacturing sector plants, and can be used for all kinds of agriculture needs.
  • Generators can also help develop the power infrastructure of an area temporarily, providing around the clock power supply while the local authorities find more permanent solutions.

Assisting in the Development and Industrialisation of Africa

From our solutions in Zimbabwe and Nigeria, to further efforts we will continue to offer our clients across Africa. ADE Power are proud to be a major contributor to the industrialisation of the continent.

If you are in need of a backup or prime power Generator in Africa, get in touch with our sales team today! Our expert team will help you find the perfect power solution for your home or business, and can even arrange shipping directly to your home country. Contact our team:

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Blog published by ADE Power on October 31st, 2019

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