5G Data Centre Diesel Generators

5G Data Hub Diesel Generators

Telecoms Data

June 2019

The first 3 of 8 Cummins 2750 kVA Diesel Generators in ADVANCED designed & built Bespoke Acoustic Enclosures were protective wrapped and dispatched to site with the remainder to follow in the coming weeks. The generators will provide backup power to a 5G data hub.

Data Centres

Data centres are large buildings or multiple buildings that are designed to hold mass amounts of computer equipment, systems, file storage, servers and other associated equipment, such as telecommunications systems, storage systems, remote monitoring systems. Data centre services are mission critical to organisations and therefore power cuts and power outages are not an option.

Data Centre Generators

Therefore, a backup power solution is a necessity. These usually come in the form of power systems that consist of uninterrupted power supplies that work in tandem with diesel engine power generators thanks to an automatic transfer switch. The data centre genset will provide backup power to the data center to ensure business continuity and disaster recovery systems such as fire suppression continue to function fully throughout the duration of the mains outage. For the newly developing 5G mobile network, reliable data centre backup power is essential to keep the network up and running smoothly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Published by Advanced Diesel Engineering on 03-07-2019